Boys - Girls
1978 - 1979 - 1980

Ratings are calculated based on how fast each runner has run relative to the competition and represents time for an average course in average conditions.

RankNameSchool FR SO JR Year
All-Time Grade Rank
Adam Renfro Evansville Central 17:05 15:38 #5    #39    
Ted Denton Southport 15:51 #12    #120    
David Williams Evansville North 16:10 15:52 #14    #128    
Pat Cassidy Jasper 15:55 #16    #157    
Jerry Jones Southport 15:58 #20    #201    
Jerry Schrock Elkhart Central 16:42 16:12 #43    #439    
Keith Sharpless Bloomington North 16:57 16:19 #56    #667    
Curt Carey Owen Valley 16:34 16:22 #67    #745    
Doug Musson Cascade 16:23 #70    #787    
10  Kevin Martin Pioneer 16:24 #73    #802    
11  Curt Stewart Crown Point 17:18 16:04 16:24 #74    #803    
12  Jeff Strakowski NorthWood 16:24 #75    #816    
13  Gregory Fowler Snider 16:29 #87    #1,005    
14  Tom Woodley Bloomington South 16:57 16:29 16:29 #89    #1,023    
15  Richard Barrow Penn 16:32 #95    #1,108    
16  David Mulvihill Portage 16:39 16:32 #96    #1,115    
17  David McCraw Evansville Central 16:33 #98    #1,129    
18  David Underkoffler Muncie Northside 17:36 16:35 #100    #1,258    
19  Chris Brady Richmond 16:40 #111    #1,489    
20  David Johnloz Bloomington North 16:42 #114    #1,567    
21  Mike Grossman Lakeland 17:13 16:17 16:43 #117    #1,619