Boys - Girls
1980 - 1981 - 1982

Ratings are calculated based on how fast each runner has run relative to the competition and represents time for an average course in average conditions.

RankNameSchool FR SO JR SR Year
All-Time Grade Rank
Ken Waterhouse Bloomington South 15:58 15:15 15:09 #1    #11    
Marty Bassett Bloomington North 16:46 15:58 15:42 15:23 #2    #26    
Scott Maddox Northrop 16:21 15:46 15:24 #3    #28    
Jeff Grove Bloomington North 16:22 15:47 15:32 #6    #57    
Jim Nagle Penn 16:04 15:48 15:38 #7    #103    
John Companik Bishop Noll 16:19 15:41 #8    #130    
Adam Smith Carmel 16:25 16:00 15:45 #10    #186    
Doug Collins Portage 16:52 16:23 15:47 #12    #232    
David Widmer Carmel 16:00 15:48 #14    #250    
10  Mike Kempher Madison Heights 16:11 15:55 15:50 #15    #289    
11  Vincent Fendel Warren Central 16:30 15:52 #16    #326    
12  Luis Guerrero Washington (East Chicago) 16:17 15:54 #19    #363    
13  Stan Temme Evansville Central 16:48 16:32 16:16 16:00 #25    #528    
14  Mike Stewart Cascade 16:44 16:00 #26    #534    
15  Jeff Sypniewski Adams 16:13 16:01 #28    #558    
16  David Fleece Marion 16:02 #29    #578    
17  Peyton Grizzard Chesterton 16:23 16:02 #30    #583    
18  Mark Healey Cascade 16:22 16:04 #33    #625    
19  Tony Byers Columbus North 16:20 16:04 #34    #640    
20  Mike Webber Portage 17:06 16:30 16:05 #35    #651    
21  Scott England Crown Point 16:37 16:26 16:05 #36    #665    
22  Joe Lake Centerville 16:09 #39    #776    
23  Mike Miller Crown Point 16:54 16:10 #41    #807    
24  Jim Cosby Wabash 16:11 #44    #846    
25  Bart Polizotto Valparaiso 16:54 16:11 #45    #847    
26  Mike Minett Bloomington North 16:12 #47    #872    
27  Dave Justus Homestead 16:14 #55    #964    
28  David Valentine Portage 16:39 16:39 16:24 16:15 #58    #1,001    
29  Scott McCoy Anderson 16:28 16:17 #60    #1,104    
30  Kenneth Thomas Wayne 16:03 16:20 #65    #1,238    
RankNameSchool FR SO JR SR Year
All-Time Grade Rank
31  Dale Carter Gavit 16:27 16:22 #68    #1,298    
32  Scott Eberle Harding 16:22 #69    #1,317    
33  Chris Novak Lowell 16:22 #70    #1,334    
34  Alan Mather Bloomington South 16:31 16:25 #72    #1,459    
35  Mark Bowers Charlestown 16:25 #73    #1,485    
36  Darryl Deal Terre Haute North 17:08 16:30 #82    #1,739    
37  Glenn Ritchie Jefferson 16:31 #84    #1,771    
38  Joe Boener Plymouth 16:43 16:21 16:27 16:33 #88    #1,848    
39  Ken Lane Northrop 16:14 16:33 #89    #1,867    
40  Timothy Ryan Warren Central 16:37 16:35 #96    #1,976    
41  Darren Bryan Norwell 16:51 16:43 16:35 #97    #1,981    
42  Mike Frazier Harding 16:36 #99    #2,020    
43  Steve Cannoot Penn 16:36 #100    #2,061    
44  Rod Earlywine Terre Haute South 16:38 #106    #2,203    
45  Ricky O'Neal Jefferson 16:39 #107    #2,229    
46  Gregg Gaskill Elkhart Central 17:08 17:05 16:39 #108    #2,236    
47  John Schnieders Norwell 16:41 #113    #2,388    
48  Mark Conway Warren Central 16:37 16:42 #117    #2,424    
49  Michael Sackett Jefferson 16:43 #120    #2,472