Boys - Girls
1981 - 1982 - 1983

Ratings are calculated based on how fast each runner has run relative to the competition and represents time for an average course in average conditions.

RankNameSchool FR SO JR SR Year
All-Time Grade Rank
Tom Feder Crown Point 16:39 16:12 15:53 15:26 #1    #34    
Matt Grady Muncie Northside 16:11 15:26 15:27 #2    #39    
Ron Pepple DeKalb 16:00 15:44 15:32 15:33 #4    #59    
Dave Dahlberg Center Grove 16:20 15:56 15:33 #5    #61    
Dan Boston Carmel 16:25 15:48 15:36 #6    #76    
Todd Crosson Connersville 16:01 15:41 #7    #126    
Richie Garing Carmel 15:42 15:42 #8    #145    
Dan Higgason Gavit 16:27 15:52 #12    #329    
Bob Stolz Jefferson 15:59 15:54 #13    #377    
10  Dan Mulvihill Portage 16:34 16:13 15:55 #14    #396    
11  Chris Norrick Norwell 16:13 15:56 #15    #430    
12  Michael Lenahan Terre Haute North 16:09 15:58 #17    #469    
13  Douglas Wilson Bloomington South 16:37 16:00 #19    #526    
14  Leonard Bareford Carmel 16:15 15:53 16:01 #20    #543    
15  Dean Kunz Jasper 16:01 #21    #555    
16  Charles Clendenen Harding 16:02 16:01 #22    #561    
17  Mike Mazier West Noble 16:11 16:02 #23    #570    
18  Pat Rice Northrop 16:13 16:13 16:03 #24    #590    
19  Todd Meier Hauser 16:04 #25    #630    
20  Jeffrey Regenold Wayne 16:33 16:04 #27    #648    
21  Nick Eyrich North Newton 16:41 16:06 #31    #675    
22  David Hardebeck Warren Central 17:21 16:29 16:07 #32    #708    
23  Marty Jones Terre Haute North 16:14 16:10 #34    #809    
24  Terry Hammans Martinsville 15:58 16:10 #35    #810    
25  Ken Lynch DeKalb 16:10 #37    #825    
26  Aaron Vansickle Western Boone 16:14 #46    #989    
27  Bob Schroer South Putnam 16:15 #49    #1,009    
28  Mark Keller Northrop 16:29 16:15 #51    #1,040    
29  John Churchman Eastern (Pekin) 16:16 #54    #1,064    
30  Jeff Oberlin DeKalb 16:41 16:29 15:45 16:16 #55    #1,076    
RankNameSchool FR SO JR SR Year
All-Time Grade Rank
31  Alan Taylor North Harrison 16:18 #61    #1,168    
32  John Harter Anderson 16:16 16:20 #64    #1,214    
33  Dan Johnson Terre Haute South 16:30 16:23 #69    #1,372    
34  Tom Irvine North Central (Indpls) 16:25 #74    #1,476    
35  Larry Wood Anderson 16:10 16:28 #79    #1,637    
36  Terry Wood Anderson 16:59 16:29 #80    #1,669    
37  Mike Davis Northrop 16:29 #81    #1,671    
38  Brad Bussewitz Penn 16:42 16:29 #82    #1,684    
39  Erik Hume North Central (Indpls) 16:29 #83    #1,686    
40  Tom Shank Northrop 17:13 16:30 #84    #1,712    
41  David McMillan Bloomington North 16:54 16:31 #88    #1,762    
42  Kenny Williams Bloomington North 17:21 16:53 16:35 #96    #1,969    
43  Dan Diemer DeKalb 16:36 #105    #2,071    
44  Scott Goe DeKalb 16:49 16:32 16:21 16:43 #124    #2,512    
45  Pete Kalesz Carmel 16:44 #126    #2,557    
46  Steve Gasta Pike 16:44 #127    #2,572