Boys - Girls
1984 - 1985 - 1986

Ratings are calculated based on how fast each runner has run relative to the competition and represents time for an average course in average conditions.

RankNameSchool FR SO JR SR Year
All-Time Grade Rank
Brendan Smith Chesterton 16:56 16:41 15:44 15:38 #1    #96    
Tim Cooper North Newton 16:34 16:00 15:49 #4    #265    
Cecil Franke Jac-Cen-Del 16:01 15:51 #5    #297    
Brian Crumbo Floyd Central 17:16 16:36 15:56 #6    #425    
Doug Warren Columbus East 16:38 16:20 16:03 16:04 #9    #633    
Troy Ward Charlestown 16:36 16:10 #13    #833    
Michael Koslow Portage 16:38 16:22 16:17 16:12 #14    #898    
Todd Wagenblast Valparaiso 16:40 16:12 #15    #907    
Karl Yost Carmel 16:10 16:09 16:12 #16    #908    
10  Sean Rhodes Warsaw 16:19 16:15 #17    #1,013    
11  Aaron Uhrhammer Kankakee Valley 16:51 16:16 #19    #1,044    
12  Jason Wallace Kankakee Valley 16:59 16:17 #21    #1,087    
13  Jeff Studebaker Norwell 17:22 16:59 16:40 16:19 #26    #1,192    
14  Tim Wion Manchester 16:48 16:36 16:20 #28    #1,215    
15  Don Drake Eastside 16:34 16:27 16:20 #29    #1,223    
16  Jeff Hupke Lake Central 17:05 16:28 16:31 16:21 #31    #1,266    
17  Rick Kline North Central (Indpls) 16:55 16:59 16:24 #36    #1,426    
18  Paul Eakle Southport 16:25 #37    #1,449    
19  Jason Yazel Adams 16:25 16:26 #38    #1,531    
20  Ricky Jingles Southport 16:30 #45    #1,695    
21  Bill Goble Morristown 16:31 #47    #1,766    
22  Tony Kochert Floyd Central 17:01 16:32 #49    #1,813    
23  Tony Kwiatkowski Portage 16:54 16:27 16:25 16:35 #58    #1,980    
24  Mark Messmer Floyd Central 17:27 16:44 16:36 #59    #2,023    
25  Mike Miller Manchester 17:07 16:54 16:37 #61    #2,089    
26  Rhett Kilmer Snider 16:38 #62    #2,151    
27  Gary Curran North Central (Indpls) 16:52 16:33 16:39 #66    #2,267    
28  Leroy Hearth Eastern Greene 16:40 #68    #2,297    
29  Dave Ziegert Valparaiso 16:39 16:40 #70    #2,320    
30  Ed Flake Southport 16:44 #87    #2,538