Boys - Girls
1993 - 1994 - 1995

Ratings are calculated based on how fast each runner has run relative to the competition and represents time for an average course in average conditions.

RankNameSchool FR SO JR SR Year
All-Time Grade Rank
Andy Begley Westview 16:36 16:01 15:49 15:43 #2    #161    
Frank Pizana West Noble 16:59 16:27 16:06 15:49 #3    #269    
Josh Fletcher Northridge 16:29 16:46 16:53 15:54 #4    #378    
Joseph Baltes New Prairie 17:15 16:10 16:01 15:56 #5    #414    
Adam Gibb Richmond 16:37 16:20 15:56 #6    #415    
Jason Stabnik St. Joseph's 16:58 16:18 16:02 16:07 #11    #716    
Kris Solmos LaPorte 17:09 16:08 #12    #750    
Mark Ermis Elkhart Central 18:12 17:12 16:10 #14    #829    
Phillip Beachey Elkhart Memorial 16:28 16:13 #17    #946    
10  Jon Teipen Center Grove 16:16 #18    #1,043    
11  Troy Skaggs New Prairie 18:13 16:37 16:18 #19    #1,137    
12  Matt Holbrook Shelbyville 16:53 16:18 #21    #1,153    
13  Damon Dexter Jefferson 16:21 #23    #1,256    
14  Jim Furkis West Noble 17:08 16:34 16:39 16:21 #24    #1,287    
15  Leo Higley Silver Creek 17:29 16:57 16:23 #26    #1,378    
16  Brian Miller Crown Point 16:49 16:17 16:23 #27    #1,379    
17  Chris Parente Hamilton Southeastern 16:24 #29    #1,414    
18  Jerry Drever Valparaiso 16:47 16:32 16:25 #30    #1,446    
19  Michael Fields Floyd Central 16:51 16:43 16:27 #34    #1,554    
20  David Goodman Castle 16:29 #38    #1,644    
21  Steve Hertenstein Columbus East 16:53 16:30 #41    #1,696    
22  Jeremy Sobecki LaPorte 16:55 16:30 #42    #1,697    
23  Mike York Lawrence North 17:09 16:31 #46    #1,770    
24  Marc Cabe Oak Hill 16:43 16:33 #48    #1,859    
25  Val Ledezma Jefferson 16:33 #49    #1,862    
26  Andy Keffaber Northfield 16:48 16:33 #51    #1,882    
27  Jaysen Young Jeffersonville 17:23 17:13 16:34 #52    #1,910    
28  JC Alexander Bloomington North 17:20 16:57 16:57 16:38 #60    #2,168    
29  John Machuca Northridge 17:27 17:00 16:46 16:39 #62    #2,239    
30  Rick Sluder North Central (Farmersburg) 16:49 16:39 #63    #2,240    
RankNameSchool FR SO JR SR Year
All-Time Grade Rank
31  Jason Heile Milan 16:40 #65    #2,285    
32  Greg Owens Washington 16:55 16:41 #66    #2,362    
33  Shannon Barnhart New Prairie 17:23 16:42 #68    #2,421    
34  Matt Campbell Lawrence Central 16:43 #72    #2,498    
35  Chris Taysom Bloomington North 17:14 17:02 16:44 #73    #2,549    
36  Tom Graves Richmond 16:44 #74    #2,580