Boys - Girls
1996 - 1997 - 1998

Ratings are calculated based on how fast each runner has run relative to the competition and represents time for an average course in average conditions.

RankNameSchool FR SO JR Year
All-Time Grade Rank
Bart Phariss North Central (Indpls) 16:29 16:19 15:58 #4    #204    
Chad Andrews Northfield 16:37 16:13 15:59 #5    #216    
Jeff Glant Southport 17:13 16:22 16:06 #6    #329    
Dominic Ventura Southport 17:32 16:58 16:12 #9    #454    
Arthur Bishop Carroll (Flora) 16:32 16:14 #10    #491    
Andrew Russell Martinsville 17:05 16:38 16:14 #11    #492    
Chris Powers Muncie Central 16:15 #14    #530    
Logan Wealing Benton Central 16:17 #15    #578    
Mike Watts Westview 17:20 16:31 16:17 #17    #582    
10  Evan Cooksey Brownsburg 16:12 16:17 #19    #598    
11  Jeff Zeha Portage 16:22 16:26 #27    #896    
12  Phil Yoder East Noble 17:21 16:42 16:27 #30    #951    
13  Brett Tipton Northrop 17:15 17:03 16:27 #31    #955    
14  Bart Chocianowicz LaPorte 17:02 16:40 16:29 #33    #1,012    
15  Tim Sweeney Ben Davis 16:49 16:59 16:30 #35    #1,039    
16  Matt Longworth North Judson 16:31 #38    #1,090    
17  Matt Sweetman Franklin Central 16:37 #47    #1,348    
18  Toby Buechner Wheeler 16:39 #52    #1,431    
19  Adam Nonte Eastern (Bloomfield) 16:39 #53    #1,440    
20  Steve Striedinger Carmel 16:43 #65    #1,612    
21  Joe Eckerly Columbus North 16:45 #66    #1,672    
22  Mike Griffith Portage 16:47 16:51 16:45 #67    #1,686    
23  Ed Morgan Bloomington South 18:06 16:48 #81   
24  Jeremy Friedman Noblesville 16:49 #85   
25  Nathan Stuhlmacher Terre Haute South 16:37 16:50 #86   
26  Sean Branch New Palestine 16:51 #93   
27  Miles Krieger Floyd Central 18:02 16:52 #99   
28  Brian Miller Warren Central 16:53
29  Ron Chalos Lake Central 17:33 16:45 16:53
30  Nathan Gooden Mount Vernon 16:55