Boys - Girls
Performance Summary

Because of the need for a large enough sample size of runners, only meets with at least 20 runners with ratings on this website are used on this page. Information on this page is not used to calculate the main runner ratings, but instead are a product of those ratings. Race adjustments are based on an average race for the whole season, which means race adjustments for meets later in the year will generally be more positive, because runners generally get faster as the year goes on.

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Race Conversions

Approximate adjustment to convert to average time (in seconds). Adjusted Negative means slower, positive means faster. These adjustments are for an average runner, so the individual adjusted rankings below will not match up exactly, because of differences in running speed and the fact that tougher/easier courses have been shown to affect runners of different abilities differently.
The adjustments are calculated by how fast each individual runs compared to his or her rating. Because of this, the adjustments take into account everything that affects how fast the runners are on that day including course, weather, and time of year. Adjustments later in the year will generally be more positive.

MeetWeek NumberApproximate
Harrison Regional 1 +18
Greensburg Regional 1 +18
Ben Davis Regional 1 +17
New Haven Semi-State 2 +15
Delta Regional 1 +15
Brown County Regional 1 +14
Brebeuf Jesuit Regional 1 +14
Franklin Central Semi-State 2 +10
Elkhart Central Regional 1 +10
Brown County Semi-State 2 +3
New Prairie Semi-State 2 -4
West Noble Regional 1 -4
State Finals 3 -5
New Prairie Regional 1 -6
NXN Midwest 5 -13