All times are adjusted ratings, which are calculated based on time relative to other runners in race.
Team Adjusted Rating is the team rating with runners missing from that race added back in.
Cells with NEI means there was not enough info to calculate adjusted ranking for that race.
| Season Rating | |
Crown Point Invitational |
Jack Bransford Invitational |
Rudy Skorupa Invitational |
Harrison (WL) Invitational |
Bob Thomas Invite |
New Prairie Invitational |
Highland Invitational |
Northwest Crossroads Conf. |
Gavit Sectional |
Crown Point Regional |
New Prairie Semi-State |
Date | |
8/12 |
8/18 |
8/25 |
9/1 |
9/8 |
9/15 |
9/22 |
9/29 |
10/6 |
10/13 |
10/20 |
Team Rating |
670 |
1,125 |
725 |
1,036 |
1,028 |
1,000 |
907 |
883 |
770 |
968 |
728 |
Team Adjusted Rating | |
686 |
725 |
731 |
741 |
775 |
772 |
741 |
649 |
632 |
618 |
State Rank | Runner | | Season Rating |
Crown Point Invitational |
Jack Bransford Invitational |
Rudy Skorupa Invitational |
Harrison (WL) Invitational |
Bob Thomas Invite |
New Prairie Invitational |
Highland Invitational |
Northwest Crossroads Conf. |
Gavit Sectional |
Crown Point Regional |
New Prairie Semi-State |
119 |
William McComis |
12 |
16:42 |
16:42 |
16:43 |
443 |
Mitch Buffano |
12 |
17:31 |
17:42 |
17:34 |
17:53 |
17:55 |
18:01 |
18:01 |
17:58 |
17:35 |
17:46 |
17:30 |
17:18 |
658 |
Tony Bohling |
12 |
17:53 |
18:17 |
18:07 |
18:27 |
18:08 |
17:50 |
17:33 |
17:35 |
17:49 |
844 |
Oliver Meraz |
11 |
18:08 |
18:24 |
18:30 |
18:27 |
18:43 |
18:22 |
18:09 |
18:01 |
17:44 |
18:09 |
859 |
Ari Arzumanian |
10 |
18:09 |
18:05 |
18:10 |
18:19 |
18:25 |
18:33 |
17:59 |
17:50 |
18:09 |
1,082 |
Max Lindenmayer |
9 |
18:26 |
19:15 |
20:23 |
19:25 |
18:52 |
18:27 |
18:20 |
18:16 |
18:07 |
1,465 |
Will Stephan |
12 |
18:53 |
19:08 |
20:38 |
19:49 |
19:05 |
18:55 |
19:57 |
20:07 |
18:33 |
Juan Olivencia |
10 |
19:07 |
19:07 |
19:19 |
18:49 |
18:57 |
18:58 |
20:01 |
19:00 |
19:30 |
18:48 |
Ben Blaesing |
11 |
19:09 |
20:49 |
18:45 |
19:09 |
18:52 |
18:09 |
20:47 |
Jacob Cipowski |
9 |
19:17 |
18:57 |
18:59 |
19:26 |
19:20 |
19:14 |
19:31 |
Abraham Blaesing |
9 |
19:51 |
19:58 |
19:56 |
20:14 |
20:10 |
20:17 |
20:08 |
19:34 |
19:03 |
19:37 |
Stephen Heritage |
10 |
20:41 |
20:58 |
20:54 |
21:35 |
21:14 |
20:26 |
20:56 |
19:51 |
20:19 |
20:45 |
Nick Dorai |
12 |
20:42 |
20:45 |
Charles Iverson |
9 |
20:57 |
21:08 |
21:41 |
21:11 |
21:08 |
21:28 |
20:10 |
21:06 |
20:01 |
IHSAA Tournament Simulation
Based on results of 5,000 simulations of the IHSAA Tournament.
Numbers in tables represent percentage of times each outcome occured during simulation.
Team Results
| Advances to Round | Avg Finish | Avg Score |
Finishing Place |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
16 |
17 |
18 |
19 |
20 |
21 |
22 |
23 |
24 |
State Finals |
0.0% |
Semi-State |
0.0% |
Regionals |
100% |
6.4 |
178 |
0.1 |
7.5 |
58.4 |
24.4 |
9.6 |
Sectionals |
100% |
3.0 |
81 |
0.1 |
99.9 |