Boys - Girls
1982 - 1983 - 1984

Ratings are calculated based on how fast each runner has run relative to the competition and represents time for an average course in average conditions.

RankNameSchool FR SO Year
All-Time Grade Rank
Carol Gray New Prairie 18:42 18:26 #1    #27    
Amber Wiencek Elston 19:15 18:36 #4    #50    
Marsha Grondziak Ben Davis 18:40 18:49 #7    #97    
Jennifer Fay North Montgomery 19:31 #16    #424    
Yvette Higgins Pike 19:32 #18    #432    
Kim Wilkeson Penn 19:32 #19    #438    
Rosalyn Wilson North Central (Indpls) 19:48 19:37 #22    #510    
Karrie Marschke Southport 19:42 19:38 #24    #519    
Roberta Adams Hobart 19:40 #26    #572    
10  Kim Eiler Columbia City 20:02 19:41 #27    #578    
11  Kari Krehnbrink Jefferson 19:42 #28    #587    
12  Donna Moody North Vermillion 20:19 19:51 #33    #745