Boys - Girls
1993 - 1994 - 1995

Ratings are calculated based on how fast each runner has run relative to the competition and represents time for an average course in average conditions.

RankNameSchool FR SO JR SR Year
All-Time Grade Rank
Sarah Blossom Southport 20:03 18:58 #4    #251    
Megan Leahy Elston 19:57 19:20 19:00 #6    #262    
Becky Jordan Carmel 20:12 20:02 19:03 19:02 #7    #282    
Rosalyn Maddox Elston 21:06 19:09 19:04 #9    #294    
Jill Begala Highland 19:19 #15    #452    
Marcy Akard Cathedral 19:20 #16    #459    
Jessica Jones Shenandoah 19:22 #18    #493    
Wendy Perlich Central Noble 19:25 #20    #529    
Jaynie Wagner North Newton 19:31 19:25 #21    #530    
10  Kristin Smith Richmond 19:43 19:30 19:29 #22    #597    
11  Jill Campbell Huntington North 19:56 19:21 19:31 #24    #634    
12  Laura Bruns Marion 19:19 19:43 19:31 19:32 #25    #656    
13  Samantha Heiman Northridge 20:21 20:16 19:43 19:34 #28    #687    
14  Becky Pouch Hobart 20:11 20:04 19:43 #39    #829    
15  Jill Forgey Noblesville 19:40 19:46 #46    #906    
16  Teresa Gingerich Westview 19:44 19:35 19:17 19:48 #48    #923    
17  Christine Stehman North Central (Indpls) 20:09 19:57 #61    #1,135    
18  Erin Chapple Columbus East 19:59 #64    #1,175