Boys - Girls
Individual Rankings
1999 - 2000 - 2001

Ratings are calculated based on how fast each runner has run relative to the competition and represents time for an average course in average conditions.

RankNameGradeSchool Semi-State 1997199819992000 All-Time Season RankState Finals Rating
Amanda Van Wanzeele 9 New Prairie New Prairie #1   18:11 #74   17:59
Tiffany Redlarczyk 10 Lake Central New Prairie #2   18:45 18:16 #94   18:04
Jill Scully 12 Valparaiso New Prairie #3   19:35 19:35 18:54 18:19 #106   18:07
Robyn Detty 12 Lawrence North Franklin Central #1   18:57 18:34 18:30 18:20 #110   18:16
Sarah Huddleston 12 Carmel Franklin Central #2   19:25 18:28 #166   18:33
Jessica Gall 11 West Lafayette New Prairie #4   19:07 18:31 #197   18:27
Danielle Levoit 10 Lawrence North Franklin Central #3   19:32 18:36 #264   18:38
Michelle Rafferty 11 Carmel Franklin Central #4   19:16 18:46 #400   18:34
Ashley Urick 11 Carmel Franklin Central #5   20:20 18:48 #438   19:07
10  Lindsay Hattendorf 11 Chesterton New Prairie #5   19:59 19:01 18:48 #445   18:36
11  Leslie Carden 11 Lewis Cass New Prairie #6   18:49 #449   19:13
12  Winter Holman 10 Brownstown Central Terre Haute North #1   18:43 18:51 #497   18:42
13  Natalie Ewing 12 Northridge Manchester #1   19:54 18:56 #603   19:02
14  Aubrey Gaffer 12 Northrop Manchester #2   19:55 19:25 19:34 18:56 #609   18:44
15  Megan Rainville 11 Floyd Central Terre Haute North #2   19:09 19:02 #761   19:06
16  Cassie Peller 9 Chesterton New Prairie #7   19:03 #797   21:16
17  Nicole Hartford 11 Chesterton New Prairie #8   19:20 19:05 #842   18:59
18  Temeka Kincy 9 Lawrence North Franklin Central #6   19:09 #949   18:57
19  Katie Ziegler 10 Valparaiso New Prairie #9   20:04 19:10 #1,002   18:58
20  Nikki Jasperson 10 Bishop Luers Manchester #3   19:11 #1,024   19:04
21  Katie Koehler 9 Lawrence Central Franklin Central #7   19:12 #1,062  
22  Danielle Nunnelly 10 Valparaiso New Prairie #10   19:13 #1,084   19:01
23  Melody Smith 12 Martinsville Terre Haute North #3   19:30 19:53 19:15 19:13 #1,085   19:01
24  Malia Detrich 11 Michigan City New Prairie #11   20:23 19:10 19:13 #1,087   19:34
25  Julie Eckerly 9 Columbus North Franklin Central #8   19:14 #1,123   19:35
26  Natalie Karas 11 Valparaiso New Prairie #12   20:20 19:10 19:14 #1,135   19:02
27  Rose Lehe 10 Tri-County New Prairie #13   19:15 #1,150   19:20
28  Katie Koellner 12 Adams New Prairie #14   19:29 20:14 19:41 19:16 #1,188  
29  Katie Doehla Concordia Lutheran Manchester #4   19:16 #1,201  
30  Hilary Ignatoski 12 Lincoln (Vincennes) Terre Haute North #4   19:22 19:17 #1,230   19:32
RankNameGradeSchool Semi-State 1997199819992000 All-Time Season RankState Finals Rating
31  Katie Harrington 9 Carmel Franklin Central #9   19:19 #1,285   19:17
32  Heather Cooksey 11 Brownsburg Franklin Central #10   19:57 19:18 19:22 #1,462  
33  Katy Pryor 11 New Castle Manchester #5   19:43 19:05 19:23 #1,479   20:04
34  Megan Hardenbrook 11 Garrett Manchester #6   19:36 19:13 19:23 #1,480   19:20
35  Heather Stembridge 9 Evansville Central Terre Haute North #5   19:24 #1,567   19:12
36  Casey Schneider 12 North Harrison Terre Haute North #6   19:04 18:55 19:12 19:25 #1,610   19:21
37  Jamie Higginbotham 12 Valparaiso New Prairie #15   20:07 19:14 19:26 #1,629   19:13
38  Amber Ferner West Lafayette New Prairie #16   19:29 #1,803  
39  Christan Bahler 12 Western Manchester #7   19:48 19:29 #1,818   19:46
40  Karla Negron 9 Lawrence North Franklin Central #11   19:30 #1,835   20:06
41  Dani Prince 10 Bloomington South Terre Haute North #7   19:36 19:30 #1,848   19:41
42  Lauren Snell 11 Hamilton Southeastern Franklin Central #12   19:59 19:30 #1,853   19:58
43  Racheal Marchand 9 Valparaiso New Prairie #17   19:31 #1,877   19:29
44  Victoria Bassett 12 Michigan City New Prairie #18   19:50 19:45 19:11 19:32 #1,964   19:20
45  Emilee Noe 11 Franklin Central Franklin Central #13   19:33 #2,005   19:32
46  Emily Free 11 Columbus North Franklin Central #14   19:33 #2,028   19:21
47  Sarah Chamberlin 9 Franklin Central Franklin Central #15   19:34 #2,031   19:21
48  Alexis Gernhardt Central Catholic New Prairie #19   19:34 #2,052  
49  Erica Hurst Carmel Franklin Central #16   19:36 #2,158  
50  Meagan Curtis 12 Valparaiso New Prairie #20   20:14 19:18 19:40 #2,397   21:51
51  Amber Miller Benton Central New Prairie #21   19:40 #2,449  
52  Meredith Holaday 12 Westfield Franklin Central #17   20:23 20:08 19:41 #2,488  
53  Caitlin Baird 12 Yorktown Manchester #8   20:06 19:42 #2,518   19:45
54  Katy Quirk 12 Reitz Memorial Terre Haute North #8   19:42 #2,523   19:49
55  Hillary Barlow 12 Warsaw Manchester #9   20:05 19:42 #2,530  
56  Kristina Ramos 9 Frankfort Franklin Central #18   19:43 #2,603   19:54
57  Kara Egan 11 St. Joseph's New Prairie #22   20:00 19:54 19:44 #2,670   19:31
58  Magin Kebert 9 Carmel Franklin Central #19   19:44 #2,673   19:31
59  Stephanie Eilar 12 Richmond Manchester #10   19:51 19:44 #2,702   19:43
60  Leah Downey 9 Lawrence North Franklin Central #20   19:45 #2,726  
RankNameGradeSchool Semi-State 1997199819992000 All-Time Season RankState Finals Rating
61  Jaime Calhoun 11 Carmel Franklin Central #21   20:29 19:45 #2,749   19:41
62  Emily Hernandez 12 Northrop Manchester #11   20:02 20:22 19:45 #2,758   19:32
63  Mandy Willingham 10 Avon Franklin Central #22   19:45 #2,763   19:32
64  Larra Overton 12 New Albany Terre Haute North #9   20:13 20:18 19:32 19:46 #2,818   22:22
65  Natalie Shaffer 12 New Castle Manchester #12   19:22 19:46 #2,846   19:43
66  Lauren Pence 10 Columbus North Franklin Central #23   20:47 19:47 #2,884   19:54
67  Shadricka Burnett 10 Northrop Manchester #13   19:47 #2,887   20:03
68  Courtney Ellabarger 11 Carmel Franklin Central #24   19:50 20:22 19:48 #2,926   19:35
69  Christy Leonard 9 Homestead Manchester #14   19:48 #3,002   19:53
70  Alissa Moore Pike Franklin Central #25   19:49 #3,022  
71  Laura Lash 9 Tippecanoe Valley Manchester #15   19:49 #3,058   19:55
72  Sarah Jarvis 11 North Central (Indpls) Franklin Central #26   19:34 19:50 #3,104   20:41
73  Kendall Diveley 11 Westfield Franklin Central #27   19:32 19:12 19:51 #3,186  
74  Caroline Andrew 10 Jefferson New Prairie #23   19:51 #3,190  
75  Richanda Scroggins Jennings County Franklin Central #28   19:51 #3,226  
76  Morgan Uceny 10 Plymouth New Prairie #24   18:45 19:51 #3,229  
77  Margaret Reyling 11 Bellmont Manchester #16   20:17 19:52 #3,259   19:39
78  Emily Haas 10 Chesterton New Prairie #25   19:52 #3,266   21:21
79  Laura Schutte 11 Oldenburg Academy Franklin Central #29   19:52 #3,273  
80  Jennifer Furge 11 Angola Manchester #17   19:52 #3,300   19:46
81  Kristi Pinnick 11 St. Joseph's New Prairie #26   19:53 #3,366   19:40
82  Amy Rodeghero 11 Richmond Manchester #18   19:46 19:53 #3,383   20:27
83  Monica Behney 11 Bloomington South Terre Haute North #10   21:08 19:53 #3,389   20:08
84  Nicole Pence 11 Columbus North Franklin Central #30   20:27 19:51 19:54 #3,464   20:00
85  Julie Martz 9 Valparaiso New Prairie #27   19:54 #3,476  
86  Leah Durr 10 Pike Franklin Central #31   19:56 #3,563  
87  Jaime Mathias 10 Bloomington South Terre Haute North #11   19:52 19:56 #3,601   20:20
88  Megan Flynn 10 Martinsville Terre Haute North #12   20:13 19:56 #3,611   19:44
89  Sadie Longest Tri-County New Prairie #28   19:56 #3,614  
90  Sara Taylor 11 Chesterton New Prairie #29   20:59 19:56 #3,627   20:13
RankNameGradeSchool Semi-State 1997199819992000 All-Time Season RankState Finals Rating
91  Megan Hawkins 11 DeKalb Manchester #19   19:57 #3,693   20:03
92  Alissa Tielking 10 Franklin Central Franklin Central #32   19:57 #3,710   19:54
93  Janell Nagel Rensselaer Central New Prairie #30   19:58 #3,792  
94  Brooke Carr 11 Madison Terre Haute North #13   20:02 19:58 #3,808   20:06
95  Katie Chinn 12 Tell City Terre Haute North #14   20:24 19:19 20:01 19:59 #3,834  
96  Ashley Ritchey Leo Manchester #20   20:00 #3,914  
97  Angela Kneifel Kouts New Prairie #31   20:00 #3,964  
98  Nicole Jones 11 Bedford North Lawrence Terre Haute North #15   20:00 #3,974   20:21
99  Cherylynn Schilling 10 South Dearborn Franklin Central #33   20:01 #4,014  
100  Erica Prentkowski Penn New Prairie #32   20:01 #4,015  
101  Leann Sarka 9 Homestead Manchester #21   20:02 #4,113   20:06
102  Sabrina Henry 9 Columbus North Franklin Central #34   20:02 #4,140   19:52
103  Amy Radeghero Richmond Manchester #22   20:02 #4,158  
104  Lauren Bader 10 Mount Vernon Terre Haute North #16   20:03 #4,199   20:31
105  Carolyn Magley Carroll (FW) Manchester #23   20:03 #4,217  
106  Jessica Hein 11 Carroll (FW) Manchester #24   19:25 20:03 #4,233  
107  Teresa Spence 12 LaPorte New Prairie #33   19:56 20:02 20:25 20:03 #4,242  
108  Rebekah Liechty East Noble Manchester #25   20:04 #4,248  
109  Aubrey Williams 10 Bloomington North Terre Haute North #17   20:09 20:04 #4,266   20:02
110  Emily Svendsen 9 Plainfield Franklin Central #35   20:04 #4,273  
111  Angela Boggs Southwood Manchester #26   20:04 #4,281  
112  Jessica James 12 Franklin Central Franklin Central #36   20:04 #4,288   20:22
113  Stephanie Marnitz 10 Avon Franklin Central #37   20:04 #4,328   19:59
114  Jennifer Finch 11 Warsaw Manchester #27   19:46 20:05 #4,360   20:45
115  Tricia Bohan 12 Northrop Manchester #28   19:45 20:44 20:05 #4,375   20:40