Boys - Girls
Individual Rankings
2001 - 2002 - 2003

Ratings are calculated based on how fast each runner has run relative to the competition and represents time for an average course in average conditions.

RankNameGradeSchool Semi-State 1999200020012002 All-Time Season RankState Finals Rating
Katie Harrington 11 Carmel Franklin Central #1   19:19 18:48 18:04 #52   17:59
Tiffany Redlarczyk 12 Lake Central New Prairie #1   18:45 18:16 18:18 18:15 #86   18:06
Julie Eckerly 11 Columbus North Franklin Central #2   19:14 19:15 18:15 #90   18:07
Cassie Peller 11 Chesterton New Prairie #2   19:03 19:02 18:27 #157   18:33
Rachel Stichter 10 Wawasee Manchester #1   18:46 18:28 #164   18:41
Magin Kebert 11 Harrison (WL) New Prairie #3   18:30 #185   18:19
Racheal Marchand 11 Valparaiso New Prairie #4   19:31 19:00 18:32 #213   18:26
Tiffany Brenneman 12 Northridge Manchester #2   20:39 20:31 19:59 18:34 #230   18:22
Cassie Hunt 12 North Putnam Franklin Central #3   20:11 18:46 18:34 #238   18:51
10  Alissa McKaig 11 Concordia Lutheran Manchester #3   19:07 18:37 #278   18:52
11  Adele Mitchell 10 Concordia Lutheran Manchester #4   20:17 18:40 #323   18:40
12  Mary Ballinger 9 Chesterton New Prairie #5   18:48 #430   18:36
13  Lauren Pence 12 Columbus North Franklin Central #4   20:47 19:47 19:29 18:48 #434   18:36
14  Leslee Getts 9 DeKalb Manchester #5   18:52 #511   19:10
15  Cady Valentine 10 Richmond Manchester #6   18:54 #561   18:42
16  Kelsey Page 9 Silver Creek Terre Haute North #1   18:57 #618   19:22
17  Megan Jackson 9 Northridge Manchester #7   19:00 #691   18:48
18  Sarah Chamberlin 11 Franklin Central Franklin Central #5   19:34 18:51 19:06 #853   18:53
19  Taylor Stauffer 10 Cathedral Franklin Central #6   20:09 19:07 #885   19:00
20  Jamie Kruis 9 Northridge Manchester #8   19:08 #918   18:56
21  Elle Lammers 10 North Central (Indpls) Franklin Central #7   19:22 19:08 #920   19:06
22  Maile Venable 12 Bloomington South Terre Haute North #2   19:47 19:12 #1,034   18:59
23  Elizabeth Herndon 12 Snider Manchester #9   19:39 19:14 #1,126   19:11
24  Karlie Singleton 12 Penn New Prairie #6   20:46 19:51 19:15 #1,171   19:21
25  Samantha Lee 9 Homestead Manchester #10   19:16 #1,187   19:43
26  Lisa Floran 10 Valparaiso New Prairie #7   19:16 #1,196   19:48
27  Rachel Poremski 10 West Lafayette New Prairie #8   20:00 19:19 #1,299   19:10
28  Amanda Ponsot 12 Carroll (FW) Manchester #11   20:38 20:23 19:20 #1,323  
29  Brandi Murrell 12 Bishop Chatard Franklin Central #8   21:12 19:21 #1,414   19:09
30  Gwen Kemple 11 Rushville Franklin Central #9   19:25 #1,588   19:12
RankNameGradeSchool Semi-State 1999200020012002 All-Time Season RankState Finals Rating
31  Heather Stembridge 11 Evansville Central Terre Haute North #3   19:24 19:04 19:25 #1,590   21:26
32  Alyssa Johnson 9 Jay County Manchester #12   19:25 #1,603   19:42
33  Valerie Hardesty 11 DeKalb Manchester #13   20:56 20:17 19:28 #1,746   19:59
34  Winter Holman 12 Brownstown Central Terre Haute North #4   18:43 18:51 18:53 19:29 #1,766   19:34
35  Nikki Jasperson 12 Bishop Luers Manchester #14   19:11 19:31 19:29 #1,809  
36  Amy Kempf 10 Carroll (FW) Manchester #15   20:14 19:31 #1,881   19:27
37  Cherylynn Schilling 12 South Dearborn Franklin Central #10   20:01 19:31 #1,888  
38  Julie Martz 11 Valparaiso New Prairie #9   19:54 19:24 19:33 #2,006   19:24
39  Kelly Peller 9 Chesterton New Prairie #10   19:34 #2,033   19:43
40  Melissa Wysong 12 West Noble Manchester #16   20:57 20:48 19:34 #2,078   19:22
41  Ashley Casavant 9 Cathedral Franklin Central #11   19:35 #2,098   19:22
42  Kristina Gordon 12 Valparaiso New Prairie #11   20:25 19:35 #2,119   19:47
43  Leann Sarka 11 Homestead Manchester #17   20:02 19:45 19:36 #2,175   19:46
44  Leah Durr 12 Pike Franklin Central #12   19:56 19:51 19:36 #2,184   19:24
45  Danielle Nunnelly 12 Valparaiso New Prairie #12   19:13 18:40 19:36 #2,192   20:01
46  Erinn Brooks 10 Lawrence North Franklin Central #13   20:04 19:37 #2,220   19:37
47  Megan Malone 11 Penn New Prairie #13   20:13 22:40 19:37 #2,235   19:25
48  Jill Odom 10 Highland New Prairie #14   19:38 #2,283   19:25
49  Dani Prince 12 Bloomington South Terre Haute North #5   19:36 19:30 19:30 19:38 #2,294   20:11
50  Temeka Kincy 11 Lawrence North Franklin Central #14   19:09 19:00 19:38 #2,316  
51  Jillian Yorn 12 Batesville Franklin Central #15   19:39 #2,334   19:44
52  Brittany Molter 10 West Lafayette New Prairie #15   20:13 19:39 #2,360   19:40
53  Katie Jenkins 9 Richmond Manchester #18   19:41 #2,452   19:28
54  Theresa Schamberger 9 East Noble Manchester #19   19:42 #2,549  
55  Stacy Matteson Elkhart Memorial Manchester #20   19:43 #2,593  
56  Megan Scheidler 11 Terre Haute South Terre Haute North #6   21:25 19:43 #2,618   19:31
57  Rose Lehe 12 Tri-County New Prairie #16   19:15 18:54 19:44 #2,700   21:06
58  Amanda Van Wanzeele 11 New Prairie New Prairie #17   18:11 18:43 19:44 #2,718   19:32
59  Sabrina Henry 11 Columbus North Franklin Central #16   20:02 20:02 19:44 #2,719   20:04
60  Kristen Wheeler North Montgomery New Prairie #18   19:45 #2,725  
RankNameGradeSchool Semi-State 1999200020012002 All-Time Season RankState Finals Rating
61  Maggie Noonan 12 Maconaquah New Prairie #19   20:18 19:34 19:46 #2,845   19:52
62  Karla Negron 11 Lawrence North Franklin Central #17   19:30 19:37 19:47 #2,871  
63  Lindsay Walsh 11 Franklin Central Franklin Central #18   19:47 #2,875   19:57
64  Rebekah Liechty East Noble Manchester #21   19:47 #2,891  
65  Sarah Manck 11 Concordia Lutheran Manchester #22   21:29 20:52 19:47 #2,893   19:55
66  Lyndsay Overton 10 New Albany Terre Haute North #7   20:00 19:47 #2,906   19:35
67  Kate Lefurgy 11 West Lafayette New Prairie #20   19:48 #2,939   19:35
68  Aubrey Smith 11 Noblesville Franklin Central #19   19:56 19:48 #2,966   19:59
69  Brigitte Brissette 11 Valparaiso New Prairie #21   19:49 #3,019   19:36
70  Mozy Thiel 10 Angola Manchester #23   19:49 #3,026   19:36
71  Rachel Rud 12 West Lafayette New Prairie #22   20:20 19:54 19:49 #3,031   19:36
72  Katie Brant 11 Mooresville Franklin Central #20   20:24 20:11 19:49 #3,044  
73  Erica Johnson 10 Valparaiso New Prairie #23   19:49 #3,051   20:15
74  Lynn Fossier 12 Brebeuf Jesuit Franklin Central #21   20:34 20:32 19:50 #3,079  
75  Megan Foreman Valparaiso New Prairie #24   19:50 #3,145  
76  Christina Blackwell 9 Portage New Prairie #25   19:51 #3,209  
77  Alissa Tielking 12 Franklin Central Franklin Central #22   19:57 19:47 19:53 #3,422   19:56
78  Brittany Herron 9 Northrop Manchester #24   19:55 #3,525  
79  Brittany Tourville 12 Richmond Manchester #25   21:07 20:37 19:56 #3,583   20:17
80  Anne Iddins 11 DeKalb Manchester #26   19:56 #3,617   19:43
81  Kyleen Eden Kankakee Valley New Prairie #26   19:57 #3,661  
82  Katie McKinney 11 Mater Dei Terre Haute North #8   20:14 19:58 #3,775   20:03
83  Abby Laymon 12 Columbus East Franklin Central #23   20:07 20:00 #3,992   20:30
84  Ruth Zeilinga Knightstown Manchester #27   20:02 #4,083  
85  Laura Lash 11 Tippecanoe Valley Manchester #28   19:49 20:09 20:02 #4,119  
86  Callie Champlin 9 Cathedral Franklin Central #24   20:02 #4,122   19:49
87  Rebecca Martin 11 Columbus North Franklin Central #25   27:13 19:54 20:02 #4,124   20:09
88  Breck Robinson 12 Linton-Stockton Terre Haute North #9   20:02 #4,162   19:58
89  Caity Lauer 10 Adams New Prairie #27   20:03 #4,184  
90  Caitlin Macleod Center Grove Franklin Central #26   20:04 #4,243  
RankNameGradeSchool Semi-State 1999200020012002 All-Time Season RankState Finals Rating
91  Amanda Massow 11 Portage New Prairie #28   22:00 20:34 20:04 #4,313  
92  Brittany Lane Delta Manchester #29   20:05
93  Julie Hamlin 12 Plainfield Franklin Central #27   20:20 20:06
94  Brittany Book 10 Silver Creek Terre Haute North #10   20:06 19:57
95  Jessica Millikan 9 McCutcheon New Prairie #29   20:07
96  Lauren Bader 12 Mount Vernon Terre Haute North #11   20:03 19:55 20:07
97  Allie Mcmahon 9 Carmel Franklin Central #28   20:07
98  Sarah Geddes 12 New Prairie New Prairie #30   20:24 20:36 20:08 19:55
99  Sarah Kemple 11 Rushville Franklin Central #29   20:08
100  Elizabeth Plaspohl 9 McCutcheon New Prairie #31   20:09